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Categories: automotive

Global battery market continues to see strong growth despite uncertainties and holds opportunities for European manufacturers

Global battery market continues to see strong growth despite uncertainties and holds opportunities for European manufacturers

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Battery Monitor 2024/2025 by Roland Berger and RWTH Aachen: Demand set to triple to as much as 4.6 terawatt hours by 2030 before doubling again by 2040 Europe's market is shaped by Asian cell manufacturers' price war as well as local overcapacity due to overly optimistic demand expectations New European players must show they can produce high-quality battery cells at low cost –

Roland Berger Automotive Outlook 2040: China's auto industry is on the rise, but Europe can succeed in turning things around

Roland Berger Automotive Outlook 2040: China's auto industry is on the rise, but Europe can succeed in turning things around

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The automotive markets of China, North America, Europe and the Global South are drifting apart, calling for new approaches across the global auto industry Seventy percent of new cars sold globally will be battery electric vehicles by 2040; despite current challenges, Europe could exceed a 90 percent share sooner with the current legislature Chinese automakers will have captured

Study: The independent automotive aftermarket as a solution provider throughout the vehicle lifetime

Study: The independent automotive aftermarket as a solution provider throughout the vehicle lifetime

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Market volume of parts and components sold by independent workshops and parts dealers stands at EUR 73 billion (62 percent of the total market excluding labor costs) High efficiency and dense network ensure speedy service; commercial vehicle operators gain 230 million operating hours across the EU Vehicle manufacturers need the independent aftermarket, especially for electric mo

Roland Berger study: Automakers could save USD 17 billion a year from 2030 by outsourcing software development

Roland Berger study: Automakers could save USD 17 billion a year from 2030 by outsourcing software development

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OEMs mainly custom-develop software themselves, some developing as many as 90% of the programs they need in-house Development spending has risen 14% per year since 2021; action to keep it under control is needed in view of stagnating budgets A third-party software market for the automotive sector would cut costs, foster innovation and bring the industry closer to the era of the

Growth in global electric vehicle sales slows as attention turns to charging infrastructure

Growth in global electric vehicle sales slows as attention turns to charging infrastructure

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The average share of electric cars in new registrations rose from 14% to 20%, but some major markets saw a decline in this metric Charging infrastructure growth is struggling to keep up in many countries, although 81% of consumers say EV charging has become easier in the past six months China continues to lead our EV Charging Index ranking. Many established e-mobility nations

The energy and mobility transition: Sending demand for critical raw materials soaring

The energy and mobility transition: Sending demand for critical raw materials soaring

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Demand for important minerals such as lithium, nickel and copper will be as much as 15 times higher in 2040 than in 2020 Uncertainties around electric vehicle sales growth, technology disruption and price risks as well as long project lead times make resource planning difficult Roland Berger study analyzes the commodity market and demand trends and outlines solutions to mitigat

Global automotive supplier study: Market growth in excess of 30% expected by 2030 – fueled by new technologies

Global automotive supplier study: Market growth in excess of 30% expected by 2030 – fueled by new technologies

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Automotive suppliers are facing substantial shifts – in regional positioning, component growth, and OEM customer structure Asian firms are growing alongside local OEMs, securing market share, and increasing the pressure on margins Traditional suppliers structurally lost 3 percentage points of EBIT margin (down to 4.6%) in 2022, underscoring the urgency for them to boost innovati

A sustained boom: Global battery market continues on a growth trajectory

A sustained boom: Global battery market continues on a growth trajectory

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Global battery market set to grow at 34% per year until 2030 Electric vehicles will account for around 80% of demand for lithium-ion batteries over the coming decades Competition is growing from new European and US manufacturers as well as massively expanding Chinese companies
Munich/Aachen, December 2023: Despite the recent deceleration in automotive manufacturers' electric

Record levels of electric mobility: 2022 saw more electric cars sold worldwide than ever before

Record levels of electric mobility: 2022 saw more electric cars sold worldwide than ever before

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The share of electric cars in new registrations rose to 15% in 2022 and will exceed 50% by 2030 Altogether 90% of electric car drivers depend on public charging stations – charging network expansion is picking up speed in Europe and in North and South America Germany ranks second as one of the top performers in the overall analysis. China tops the rankings once again

Industry 4.0: Automotive industry sets the standards for digital manufacturing

Industry 4.0: Automotive industry sets the standards for digital manufacturing

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Applications for predictive maintenance and vision-based quality inspection have reached very high levels of maturity Cross-functional smart manufacturing teams bundle digital competencies Clearly defined and fully integrated IT/OT target landscape and cloud-based Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) platforms make it easier to scale Industry 4.0 across the production network

Chip shortage in automotive and industrials despite lower demand for semiconductors

Chip shortage in automotive and industrials despite lower demand for semiconductors

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Up to 30% lower demand in consumer electronics results in revenue decline for semiconductor manufacturers in 2022 and 2023 Supply bottleneck for analog chips and microcontrollers set to last several years At the same time, advanced-node chips are subject to overcapacity and oversupply
Munich, November 2022: After the start of the pandemic, demand for microchips was sent skyr

European EV charging market scaling up to successful business models before 2025

European EV charging market scaling up to successful business models before 2025

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Rising EV sales are putting pressure on charging infrastructure to scale up fast In EV charging four types of business models will prevail Around 2025, EV specialists and energy and automotive corporations will start to consolidate the charging market
Munich, September 2022: The European electric vehicle (EV) market is booming, leading the EV charging market to flourish. Com

Time to act: Vehicle electrification will reshape the European Aftermarket

Time to act: Vehicle electrification will reshape the European Aftermarket

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Electric vehicles are set to make up 53 to 82% of all new vehicles below 3.5 tons sold in Europe by 2030 Aggressive sales scenario: 2038 could be the first year with more than 50% battery-electric vehicles on the road Electric cars need around 30%fewer aftermarket components, but create significant new opportunities
Munich/Brussels, September 2022: The ongoing electrificatio

Automotive industry: Software spending set to rise to as much as USD 59 billion per year by 2030

Automotive industry: Software spending set to rise to as much as USD 59 billion per year by 2030

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Annual software costs could more than double by 2030 with existing vehicle concepts New software-based design approach will allow to avoid costs of nearly USD 16 billion per year starting in 2030 Software distribution can open up additional sources of revenue
Munich, July 2022: As electrification, connectivity and automated driving functionality inc

Automotive Disruption Radar: 60% of potential car buyers consider buying an electric vehicle

Automotive Disruption Radar: 60% of potential car buyers consider buying an electric vehicle

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Global EV sales as a percentage of total vehicle sales rise to 9.5% China, the Netherlands and Singapore top the ADR ranking Customers prefer electric models from electric-only automakers
Munich, June 2022: Electric mobility is booming in spite of the difficult economic situation and tight global supply chains. As a share of global new car sales, electric vehicles and plug-i

Rising demand for lithium-ion batteries may lead to shortages in raw material supply

Rising demand for lithium-ion batteries may lead to shortages in raw material supply

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The lithium-ion battery market is expected to grow 30 percent per year until 2030 – driven by electric vehicles Development creates new supply chain risks, particularly around lithium, nickel and cobalt Mitigation requires increased vertical integration, supply chain regionalization and closed-loop battery recycling
Munich, April 2022: Interest in battery electric vehicles (

Global semiconductor shortage to persist for several years beyond 2022

Global semiconductor shortage to persist for several years beyond 2022

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Chip demand set to rise 17% per year from 2020 to 2022, while supply will grow only 6% per year Additional capacity is not being built up in older semiconductors and will not offer relief in the short term The automotive industry's current design philosophy still relies on older chip generations, making it harder hit than other industries by the shortage

"Automotive Disruption Radar": New technologies in the global automotive industry take off despite the pandemic

Electric vehicle penetration rises dramatically Increase in patents indicates steady progress towards autonomous driving New website provides extensive data on the trends in the automotive industry
Munich, May 2021: Even the Covid-19 pandemic cannot halt the disruptive developments in technology and customer attitude trends within the automotive sector.

E-Mobility Index 2021: Electric vehicles in strong demand despite corona pandemic – especially in Europe

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China leads in battery production and overall ranking Germany and France move up to second and third place Electric vehicle sales rise in Germany, France, Italy and South Korea

Munich, March 2021: Producing the largest number of electric vehicles and battery cells, China leads in the overall and the industry ranking of the "E-Mobility Index 2021". In the market cat

A computer on wheels – The importance of electronics and software in automotive is rapidly increasing

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The cost of electronic components per vehicle will rise from US$3,145 to US$7,030 by 2025 Electromobility is the main driving force, with autonomous driving another important factor Roland Berger study shows serious effects along the entire value chain

Munich, January 2020: The car of tomorrow will be a computer on wheels: autonomous driving, greater connecti

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