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Political and economic uncertainty quashes M&A market optimism for private equity players

• Almost half of PE professionals expect a drop in European M&A transactions with PE involvement in 2019 • Worst outlook for UK, Italy and France – Promising prospects for Spain, Portugal, Scandinavia and Germany/Austria/Switzerland • Pharmaceuticals & healthcare, technology & media and business services & logistics remain the key industries – small/mid caps are the principal targets

Energy efficiency services market to grow to EUR 50 billion in Europe by 2025

• Political climate change targets, the green energy transition and innovations drive demand for energy efficiency services • Market growing by about 8 percent p.a. across Europe and 7 percent in Germany • Software (+14% p.a.) and engineering (+9%) are the fastest growing subsegments of the market

Roland Berger on growth path, electing twelve new Partners and promoting six to Senior Partner

München, Dezember 2018: 2018 wird ein Rekordjahr für Roland Berger. Das Unternehmen erwartet einen Jahresumsatz von rund 600 Millionen Euro und ein Wachstum von ca. 13 Prozent im Vergleich zum Vorjahr. Bei ihrem Treffen in Singapur hat die internationale Partnerschaft von Roland Berger diesen Kurs bestätigt und zwölf Berater in ihren Kreis aufgenommen. Die neuen Partner sitzen an Standorten in Bah

Europe's cities put their money on hydrogen-powered vehicles: Demand exceeds supply

Cities across Europe need to improve the quality of their air – and fast. More and more city and regional authorities are turning to fuel cell technology, which offers an emission-free alternative for use in vehicle fleets, heat generation and industrial processes. Hydrogen is the fuel that powers the technology.

Technological Progress Sends Passenger Drones Soaring

What innovation could ease our congested transport networks and get passengers to their destination faster? The answer is electric passenger drones. Little more than a distant dream until recently, the market for such aircraft is starting to gain momentum thanks to technological innovations.

Mobility of the future: China speeds ahead

China is fast becoming the driver of global innovation in the automotive industry. In the race to claim a slice of the future market for mobility services, the Middle Kingdom has taken the lead. One in every two electric cars sold in the first half of 2018 went to a customer in China.

Financial service providers aren't keeping pace with digitalization despite some progress – As the customer interface gets crowded they are increasingly losing direct customer contact

Digitalization and new business models have created a growing gap between product creation and product sales in the banking sector. Digital platforms are already giving incumbent banks' competitors access to the majority of their customer base and could enable them to market their services to consumers on an even greater scale in the future.

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