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Topics: Transport

Growth in global electric vehicle sales slows as attention turns to charging infrastructure

Growth in global electric vehicle sales slows as attention turns to charging infrastructure

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The average share of electric cars in new registrations rose from 14% to 20%, but some major markets saw a decline in this metric Charging infrastructure growth is struggling to keep up in many countries, although 81% of consumers say EV charging has become easier in the past six months China continues to lead our EV Charging Index ranking. Many established e-mobility nations

A computer on wheels – The importance of electronics and software in automotive is rapidly increasing

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The cost of electronic components per vehicle will rise from US$3,145 to US$7,030 by 2025 Electromobility is the main driving force, with autonomous driving another important factor Roland Berger study shows serious effects along the entire value chain

Munich, January 2020: The car of tomorrow will be a computer on wheels: autonomous driving, greater connecti

European cities have plans to invest in Smart City solutions – Over 4 billion euros per year in Germany alone

80 percent of mid-sized cities in the EU consider Smart City solutions
important – Only 20 percent have a strategyCity leaders expect Smart City projects to be profitableMore than half of the cities view utilities as central to delivery
Munich, September 2019: Smart City solutions are opening up a new market for utilities, especially in mid-sized European cities. This category of city c