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The traffic of the future is taking off: Air taxis open up huge market potential

The traffic of the future is taking off: Air taxis open up huge market potential

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Market volume of USD 90 billion a year and 160,000 air taxis expected by 2050 Investments increase more than twenty-fold in the first half of 2020 compared to 2016 – despite corona crisis More than 110 cities around the world are working on Urban Air Mobility solutions

Munich, November 2020: In the coming years, air taxis will supplement private transport in ur

Roland Berger boosts its ranks with eight new Partners in China, Germany, France, Middle East, Austria and Switzerland

Munich, November 2020: The Roland Berger partnership has strengthened its ranks internationally. With the appointments of Alexander Eppler(Hamburg), Niko Herborg (Frankfurt), Daniel Hirsch (Stuttgart), Romain Lucazeau (Paris), Faris Momani (Zurich), Gundula Pally (Vienna), Feroz Sanaulla (Dubai) and Jun Ye (Shanghai), the consultancy is sending a clear growth signal even as the global pandemic con

Global rail market grows despite COVID-19

Global rail market grows despite COVID-19

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World market for rail technology reaches a new record high of EUR 177 billion in 2019 COVID-19 pandemic leads to losses in 2020 (-8%) but stable growth is expected again by 2025 Trade restrictions and lack of market access pose risks to European suppliers

Brussels/Munich, October 2020: The global market for rail technology has survived the COVID-19 pandemic rela

Market for digital healthcare set to grow to EUR 232 billion by 2025

Market for digital healthcare set to grow to EUR 232 billion by 2025

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Digital healthcare to see almost 50 percent growth in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic Patients with preexisting conditions trust small-to-medium-sized platform providers the most Partnerships of specialized platforms offer promising opportunities for all market participants
Munich, October 2020: Before the Covid-19 pandemic hit, many patients were very skeptical ab

Europe's steel industry must invest over EUR 100 billion in CO2 reduction

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Technology transition needs to start within the next 5-10 years to meet European climate targets by 2050 Steel industry currently emits around 22 percent of industrial carbon emissions in the European Union Hydrogen-based technologies are key to successful transformation Financial viability and international competitiveness depend on state support, all the more given t

Roland Berger Partners count on continuity in vote for new management team and agree consulting package for the corona crisis

With new management, Roland Berger is capitalizing on proven minds from all established consulting fields and regions. Supporting customers in current crisis and reactivating economic performance are the focus of consulting approaches.

Munich, March 2020: On March 27th, as scheduled, the approximately 250 Roland Berger Partners from 35 countries elected a new management and supervisory bo

The PE sector focuses on the further development of portfolio companies: Sustainable business models are becoming increasingly important

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Companies see sustainability as an increasingly relevant criterion for their portfolio management 70 percent of experts are preparing for an economic downturn in Europe PE professionals consider the markets in Scandinavia, Italy and Greece to have the most promising outlook in 2020

Munich, February 2020: The issue of environmental sustainability is having an i

Investments in AI startups rise to USD 4.7 billion in Europe in 2019

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Total investments more than double since 2018 Europe's leading countries are France (USD 1.3 billion) and the UK (USD 1.2 billion) AI ecosystem in Europe much more fragmented than in China or the US Brexit adds complexity
Munich, February 2020: Within the European AI ecosystem, the UK recorded the most new startups in 2019. In terms of investments made, Franc

Roland Berger appoints 15 new Partners worldwide

The consultancy elects 15 new members in Germany, France, the Middle East region, Qatar, Singapore, the UK, Ukraine and the USA 10 Partners move up to senior level
Munich, January 2019: At their regular meeting in Barcelona, Roland Berger's international partnership elected 15 new Partners. 10 Partners were promoted to Senior Partner level.
15 new Partners elected
The 15 n

A computer on wheels – The importance of electronics and software in automotive is rapidly increasing

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The cost of electronic components per vehicle will rise from US$3,145 to US$7,030 by 2025 Electromobility is the main driving force, with autonomous driving another important factor Roland Berger study shows serious effects along the entire value chain

Munich, January 2020: The car of tomorrow will be a computer on wheels: autonomous driving, greater connecti

Banks are not exploiting the full potential of PSD2, and increasingly perceive technology companies as a threat

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Large majority of financial service providers (81 percent) see the directive as an opportunity, but still don’t have suitable strategies months after its launch Technology companies are viewed as the biggest competitors by most (71 percent) banks 80 percent of banks regard Open Banking as a priority but are still hesitant to act

Munich, December 2019: The

E-Mobility Index – China is the best prepared for electric mobility among all automotive nations

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Germany leads the pack on technology Financial pressure on automakers is growing through the switch to electric mobility New Battery-as-a-Service models could return OEM margins to higher profitability

Munich, December 2019: Germany has taken the lead from France on technology in a comparison of the seven major automotive nations. Germany now ranks third

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